Public and Private Translation Sectors in Jordan


The present paper aims to highlight the role of public and private sectors in the Jordanian translation movement. The paper starts with a general introduction about translation and interpretation in Jordan. The role of public and private sectors in prompting the translation movement in Jordan is thoroughly investigated through providing names, statistics and highlighting and commenting on the main activities carried out by these organizations. The Jordan Committee of Arabicization, Translation and Publication; Jordan Academy for Arabic; The Royal Scientific Society; The Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Institute for Islamic Thought; Ministries and Governmental Institutions; The Ministry of Culture; The Ministry of Education; The Ministry of Communication; The Ministry of Awqaf; The Ministry of Information; The Ministry of Health; The Ministry of Tourism; The Jordanian Universities; and the Private  Sector such as the Private Publishers are investigated. The paper concludes with some conclusion and recommendations that benefit translators, student of translation, researchers and people in charge of translation alike.


Abdullah Shunnaq




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